

Call for Papers : Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society New Orleans, Louisiana (30/05-2/06/2012)

Call for Papers : Annual Meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society New Orleans, Louisiana, May 30 to June 2, 2012

The 38th annual meeting of the French Colonial Historical Society (FCHS) will
take place in New Orleans, Louisiana, between May 30 and June 2, 2012. The event will be hosted at the Astor Crowne Plaza, 739 Canal Street. This year’s theme will be “Nature in Empire/Empire in Nature” but as usual, proposals on all aspects of overseas France will be considered. Please do not send proposals for papers that have already been presented or scheduled for
presentation at other conferences, or that have already been published. The time limit for presenting papers will be 20 minutes, and the deadline for submitting papers to the session moderator is three weeks in advance of the conference. The Society encourages scholars from all disciplines to submit

Individual paper proposals must include a 100-200 word summary with the title of the paper, name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, and phone
numbers, and a brief curriculum vitae, all integrated into a single file,
preferably in MS-Word. Proposals for entire sessions or panels must contain the same information on each participant, as well as contact information and a short C.V. for the moderator if you suggest one. (The program committee can help find moderators, if necessary.) Please indicate if you require audiovisual equipment in your proposal.

Individual or panel proposals should be sent to frenchcolonialNOLA chez and will then be forwarded to the selection committee. Individuals wishing to moderate a session should send a statement of interest, contact information, and a brief c.v. as well. The deadline for proposals is October 15, 2011.

The FCHS depends on membership dues. All conference participants must be or become members at the time of acceptance (January 2010). Unfortunately, the FCHS does not have funds to subsidize scholars’ participation at the meeting.

Please check the FCHS website ( for further details on the Society’s scholarly activities, fellowships, and past conferences. If you have any questions about membership, please contact Jennifer Palmer (palmerjl chez If you have any questions about conference logistics, please contact Virginia Gould, Local Arrangements (vgould2 chez

Page créée le vendredi 5 août 2011, par Dominique Taurisson-Mouret.

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