

Appel à communication (<1er/09/2015) : « Empire, Labour, Citizenship. Around Frederick Cooper. Current Researches on Globalization » (Bruxelles, 18-20/11/2015)

- Boulevard du Jardin botanique, 43, Bruxelles, Belgique (1000)

Appel à communication

Since the second half of the 19th century, accelerations in the processes of globalisation profoundly shaped and transformed human communities throughout the world.

The conference aims at putting forward current researches in human sciences focusing on the concepts of empire, labour and citizenship and their connections with the long-term history of mankind. The presence in Brussels of Pr. Frederick Cooper (New York University), a leading scholar in (post)colonial African studies who dedicated a significant part of his work to these issues, will provide participants with a unique insight on their contribution. The conference will also provide a rare occasion to further exchanges between specialists of various fields and areas.

Main themes

Panel 1. Empires and the making of global societies

From the expansion of the Roman and Qin empires to the USSR, vast political structures encompassing numerous territories and societies are one of the leading forms of political organisation in the history of mankind. In the conference’s first panels, historians investigating any societies who were part of imperial structures will be invited to present papers on how the experience of such polities contributed to further contacts between distant communities and unconnected areas.

Panel 2. The African experience of labour

Ever since the 16th century, Africa played a major role as a provider of manual labour and natural resources for the world economy, often at the expense of its own populations. For this panel, Africanists will be invited to present their work on various experiences of labour on the continent, or within its diasporas, from the Modern era to the present day.

Panel 3. Citizenship in a (post)colonial world

Political organisations and the various ways individuals and communities participate to them have significantly evolved over the last 150 years. New polities emerged from the deliquescence of ancient empires. The experience of European rule in Asia and Africa and the increased circulation of migrants throughout the world led to profound transformations in globalised societies. The understanding and uses of citizenship as well as the rights and duties attached to it have profoundly changed. In this panel, participants from all fields of human sciences will be invited to present case studies on the notion and practices of citizenship throughout the globe, from 1850 up until today.
Instructions for participants

Candidates should send a paper proposition (up to 2500 signs), at globalizationconference2015 chez before 1st September 2015.

They should specify the panel for which they consider their contribution to be the more relevant, and add a few keywords (between three and five) that best summarize their fields of study. All propositions will be answered on September 18.

Scientific committee

- Nathalie Tousignant, Professor, Université Saint-Louis – Bruxelles
- Guy Vanthemsche, Professor, VUB
- Valérie Piette, Professor, ULB
- Véronimique Dimier, Professor, ULB
- Amandine Lauro, FNRS Research Fellow, ULB
- Romain Tiquet, PhD Candidate, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
- Benoît Henriet, PhD Candidate, USL-B

Contact : Benoit Henriet (courriel : benoit [dot] henriet [at] usaintlouis [dot] be)

Page créée le mercredi 19 août 2015, par Dominique Taurisson-Mouret.

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