

Appel à communication : African Spatial mobility, colonial memory and patterns of social differentiations (Brighton, 25/04/2014)

African Spatial mobility, colonial memory and patterns of social differentiations. Panel of the African Studies Association of the UK (ASAUK) conference 2014

25 avril 2014, University of Sussex - East Sussex, Brighton, Grande-Bretagne (BN1 9RH)

The aim of this panel is to look at how spatial mobility and the reference to a territorial homeland (‘real’ or ‘imaginary’) influence the processes of appropriation, reappropriation and disapprioriation of colonial memory in the African diasporas. In a context of the liberation of subalterns memories, many authors consider that slavery and colonization have become since the 2000s, the controversial memorial repositories in both Europe and the United States as in Africa. However, processes of selection, denial and invisibility remain, particularly in old European cities. The emergence of new migratory routes, particularly overseas, can sometimes be associated to liberating acts from social actors fleeing multiple discriminations they have experienced or are afraid of in Europe. Beside ‘subalterns claims’, contested memories and modes of questioning national accounts, we are particularly interested in the expression of patterns of social differentiations towards the colonial memory. These different ways to interact with the colonial past will be explored taking into account : the migration path, the circulation within a given diasporic space and multiple social affiliations.

Scientific responsability

Convenors :

- Sarah Demart, CEDEM , Liege, Belgium/ Marie Godin, CMRB - University of East London/
- Gertrude Mianda Chair/ School of Gender, Sexuality and Women Studies York University (Toronto).

Submission guidelines

Propositions of paper (tilte + abstract of no more than 200 words) should be sent before 25th April 2014 to : sarah.demart chez

The panel takes part in the ASAUK biennial conference, to be held at the University of Sussex and will run from 2pm on Tuesday Sept 9th to 3.30 pm on Thursday 11th September 2014.

Contacts : Sarah Demart, sarah [dot] demart [at] ulg [dot] ac [dot] be

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