

3rd biennial conference on African history (Leipzig, 20-22/03/2016)

The thematic group African history / histoire africaine (AH-HA), under the aegis of AEGIS – African Studies in Europe, organizes its third biennial conference on African history in Leipzig, from Sunday 20 till Tuesday 22 March 2016.

Please register by 31 January 2016.

The conference format is built around eight thematic roundtables with three to five panelists each. Roundtables are opened by a series of brief essayist presentations by the roundtable participants, leaving ample time for general discussion. These roundtables do not serve as a space to present papers, they serve as platforms for discussion.

Conference participants get the opportunity to display a poster, presenting ongoing research projects.

The conference further includes a key lecture, « The Exciting Lecture on African History », which will be held by Gareth Austin.

One of the purposes of this meeting is to achieve closer integration of teaching and research on African history, and we hope that the meeting will set a research agenda around which further collaboration and projects can be shaped.

The conference is hosted by the Institut für Afrikanistik at Leipzig University, with support from the Centre for Area Studies at Leipzig University and from AEGIS – African Studies in Europe

Page créée le lundi 14 décembre 2015, par Dominique Taurisson-Mouret.

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